description: | Poundmaker. Until the battle of Cut Knife Creek, May 2nd, 1885, Poundmaker had been able to prevent his braves from joining the Metis but after his defeat of Otter's Troops he could no longer control their War Spirit. On May 26th, 1885, Poundmaker surrendered to General Middleton at Battleford, Saskatchewan. He was tried before Judge Richardson at Regina, Sasakatchewan in September, 1885, and was sentenced to three years at Stony Mountain. Poundmaker, also known as "The Drummer," was born a member of the Stoney Tribe (Saskatchewan) in c1842, but through his mother's family became associated with a Cree band near Battleford, Saskatchewan. Originally opposed to Treaty No. 6 in 1876, he later signed, but his disgruntlement with government in action on aboriginal needs was made evident when his band ransacked Battleford in 1885. He died in 1886 while visiting his adoptive father, Crowfoot, on the Blackfoot reserve. |